Dealing with Negative Emotion: Additional Resources
For Kids: Things to Read
A resource for kids on learning to deal with emotions. Topics include: phobias, stress, bullying, self-esteem, peer pressure, nightmares, anger, abuse, sadness, and more.
For Kids: Things to Watch
The Child Mind Institute offers elementary-age video library which features friendly characters and imaginative stories to teach kids a set of essential mental health skills.
For Parents: Things to Read
Directory of recommended blogs and spaces sharing insight, tips and tricks, and support to help provide wisdom on a wide array of mental health topics.
For Parents: Things to Watch
Video library offering parenting advice on wide array of topics, including behavior, anxiety, screen time, parenting difficulties and more.
"I Statement" Handout
Link to the structure of how to properly express that you’re angry, as discussed during the assembly.
Assembly Slideshow
View the slideshow from the assembly including physical responses to emotion, ANTs, and more.